No Grit, No Glory Fall Classic 2021
Sat, Aug 14
Grab a partner and prove your GRIT! A partner CrossFit competition with scaled, RX, masters and teen divisions.

Time & Location
Aug 14, 2021, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM CDT
Byron, 697 N Colfax St, Byron, IL 61010, USA
About the event
Grab a partner and prove your GRIT! To celebrate Kinetic Grit CrossFit's one year anniversary - we will be hosting the first No Grit No Glory Fall Classic Partner Competition.
$120/team - includes t-shirts if registered by 17 July
Registration will be limited to 40 teams total.
Teams will consist of 2 same gender partners
Three WODS and 2 Floater workouts
Divisions will include:
Men RX
Men Scaled
Women RX
Women Scaled
Men/Women Masters RX
Men/Women Masters Scaled
To be considered a Master team - ages must be a combined age of 80. Masters divisions will sign up as RX or scaled. Standards are the same as RX and Scaled, however, you will compete against other master athletes in your division.
Teens 13-17 do not have to be same gender teams.
Pull ups
Toes to Bar
Double Unders
Box Jumps (24/20)
Thruster 115/95
Deadlift 275/185
Hang Clean 115/95
Ground to Overhead 135/95
Dumbbell Snatch 50/35
Ring Rows
Knee Raises
Single Jump Rope
Box Step Ups
Thruster 65/55
Deadlift 205/125
Hang Clean 75/55
Ground to Overhead 85/55
Dumbbell Snatch 35/20
Teen RX:
Pull Up
Double Unders
Box Jumps
Thruster 65/55
Deadlift 205/125
Hang Clean 75/55
Ground to Overhead 85/55
Dumbbell Snatch 35/20
Teen Scaled:
Ring Rows
Knee Raises
Box Step Ups
Thruster 45/35
Deadlift 105/75
Hang Clean 45/35
Ground to overhead 45/35
Dumbbell Snatch 20/12
All standards for all movements will be CrossFit standards.
Some workouts will be released in July - some will be released the day of competition.
Cancellation fee is $20 if done by August 1st. Non refundable after then.
Prizes for top 3 in each division
Scoring will be a point based system like the Open - no final heats
Athletes competiting will be inside the gym (6 teams at a time). All other teams will be asked to set up outside. Please bring a tent or chairs. Bring your own drinks/food for the day. There will be access to a grill.
Park across the street in the highschool lot.
Athletes briefing will be at 8:30AM. First heat of the first event will be at 9:00AM. Heat schedules will be posted the week of the event.
Competitor Team
$0.00Sale ended